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什么 makes a great proposal?

It needs to cover all the details, painting a clear picture of your concept and subject. Here’s a checklist of everything you should include:

  • 关键思想
  • 的章节
  • details of those involved
  • what makes your book stand out
  • 你的目标受众
  • the current competition
  • a rough idea of the length
  • what timescales do you anticipate for completion?


  • Your book can’t be shorter than 250pp.
  • Books over 750pp are split into two volumes.
  • If your book is partly or fully completed at the proposal stage, let us know.

什么 种类 of book is it going to be?


Put together a team of chapter authors that complement each other to create a cohesive and complete book. The authors should be international, representing the leading groups in the respective areas. Authors from industry are highly welcome as well. If the work is based on a conference, 的章节 need to be re-written to present the latest, 原始研究, following a common style, using symbols and notations. Use an introductory chapter to provide context and a concluding chapter to summarise and open challenges and questions.


This involves in-depth explorations of a topic written by you as a single author or with a small team of co-authors. Monographs need to give a comprehensive, coherent overview of the topic, based on the latest knowledge and research. A logical build-up and case studies are helpful for researchers and advanced students. In the case of multi-volume works, each volume should be able to stand independently, to increase flexibility in addressing different audience groups.

A reference book or handbook.

这些比较长, usually multi-volume books that are very comprehensive, and the scope should be broad and clearly defined. The multidisciplinary technical articles and real-industry case studies included need to systematically include all related techniques, methods and approaches and be written by a large international team of contributors. It must follow a uniform chapter style and structure and include a glossary of used terms and definitions.

An advanced 水平 textbook.

This 种类 of book is aimed at final year undergraduates, master and postgraduate students, and experienced researchers learning about new fields. The topics should be widely taught and you should expect some adoptions of the book. Proposals need to be accompanied by endorsements from related institutions and must include end of chapter exercises, ideally with separate solutions or and solution hints. The chapters need to follow a logical, 教训的积累, using uniform length, 水平, symbols and notations. The 新萄新京十大正规网站 doesn’t publish textbooks at introductory (first two years of university) 水平.

How do I submit a proposal?

1. Complete the proposal form

2. Email the completed form to


This is what the decision-making process looks like, it usually takes about six weeks:

  1. One of our editors will review it and contact you with any questions.
  2. Your proposal will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field.
  3. The review is then shared with you so that, any feedback or adjustments can be added to a revised proposal if needed.
  4. Our in-house publishing committee will decide if your book will be published at their monthly meeting.
  5. If they give the go-ahead, we’ll negotiate terms with you and create a contract.